wrap up 2017: eye fruit

Eye Fruit: The Art of Franklin Williams at the Art Museum of Sonoma County

Installation view of Eye Fruit: The Art of Franklin Williams at the Art Museum of Sonoma County
May 13–September 3
Franklin Williams had been one of the more arcane examples of unclassifiable Bay Area artists from the late 20th century. In 2017, Eye Fruit changed all that. This show offered the first and, thus far, the only retrospective on Williams’s massive career, introducing the art world at large to a formidable talent whose work is the very distillation of authentic self-expression. It’s no wonder that Williams’s art has since shown in LA at the Parker Gallery, is currently on display through December 22 in New York City at Karma Gallery, and will be exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in the near future. Eye Fruit alone, however, deftly showed what was in store for art viewers as others take on the task of comprehensively examining the inimitable, mystical, and fascinating art of Franklin Williams. —Clayton Schuster


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