How to Cook A Ghost!


How to Cook a Ghost (Glass Poetry Press, 2017)

Culinary School, the poem where I write “to cook a ghost, / all you need         is salt / and boiling water” was actually the last poem I drafted. The original idea was to have dinner with this ghost person, until I was like “hey what if I actually cooked the ghost instead?” so I drafted that & I knew that had to be the title.

Logan February is a happy-ish Nigerian owl who likes pizza & typewriters. He is Co-Editor-In-Chief of The Ellis Review. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tinderbox, Wildness, Glass, Bateau, and more. He is author of How to Cook a Ghost (Glass Poetry Press 2017) & Painted Blue with Saltwater (Indolent Books 2018). Say hello on Instagram & Twitter @loganfebruary.

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