New Series: ah, the places I have lived

Let's say I have a checkered past. I lived in 12 states when I was a musician. Those moves were destined by what bands I joined (or auditioned for.)
Here is a photo from my time in Vegas. Yup, that Las Vegas, Sin City. I did audition for a few rock bands. I had an agent David Sailon. I didn't join any rock bands, way back in 1983. But I had professional photos taken for my portfolio.
Here is one:
I still have that kimono somewhere in my stuff.
The reason I went was Marty. He phoned me when I was in Jackson Hole and convinced me to move to Vegas and Gypsy Ave. where he and others had a house with a pool. Emily and I got into lots of trouble, ur, fun, when I arrived. Let's just say we won at a craps table and some Mormon guy thought we were hookers.

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