identity theft by wells fargo?

BOOM! Wells Fargo is going down... for this fraud
The latest on Wells Fargo --> Was Wells Fargo engaging in identity theft when its employees, under pressure from supervisors, opened accounts on behalf of customers who had not requested them? The office of California Attorney General Kamala Harris is looking to find out: The Los Angeles Times reports that the state is investigating whether the bank is guilty of criminal identity theft. James Rufus Koren writes: "Harris’ office demanded the bank turn over a trove of information, including the identities of California customers who had unauthorized accounts opened in their names, information about fees related to those accounts, the names of the Wells Fargo employees who opened the accounts, the names of those employees’ managers and emails or other communication related to those accounts. Her office is also requesting the same information about accounts opened by Wells Fargo workers in California for customers in other states."

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