earth energy

Psychic senses are invisible, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist...

....the relationship between Earth’s energy patterns and our psychic abilities

“That should not deter you from exploring your psychic ability. Many forms of energy affect your life whether you understand them or not. Two hundred years ago little was understood about electricity, but electric energy existed. Though scientifically unexplained, lightning struck, electric eels gave shocks, the nervous system functioned. Even today, you may not fully understand how electricity works although you use it routinely.

“Consider what happens when you turn on a light. You don’t need to understand how electrons travel back and forth in the wires. Neither do you need to be aware that for each of your thoughts and movements the electrical energy that is your brain and nervous system has processed millions of messages.

“You don’t need to know that each of those brain messages involves billions of complex exchanges of chemical energy into electrical energy. Instead, you have learned by experience how to make those forms of energy work for you in practical ways even though you may not know how they work. You just raise your hand, flip the switch, and the light goes on.

“You need to adopt the same approach to using your psychic senses. They receive the psychic energy that is emitted by all people, places, and objects. Because you are energy, you can receive and identify those extrasensory vibrations.
“Much about the human brain is still unknown, and we use the word ‘mind’ as a sort of shorthand to describe mental abilities that go beyond what we know about the physical wiring of the cortex. Brain scientists cannot yet explain exactly why or how we dream, how memory is structured, or how we form a creative thought.”

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