Kindred Spirits: Generosity (1847)

Philanthropy as Politics in Indian Territory

By a happy coincidence, the scholarly community has just provided a thoughtful, well-researched explanation of a historical anomaly reported in last year's press. In the spring of 2015 the Irish Examiner announced that Alex Pentek was working on a monument to those Cherokees and Choctaws who, in 1847, sent $800 in famine relief to the beleaguered Irish. The monument, a stainless-steel sculpture of nine massive feathers fashioned into a crown, is entitled “Kindred Spirits,” and will adorn Bailic Park in Midleton, Ireland. The Examiner, and other journalists, commented on the exceptional generosity displayed by impoverished, displaced Native Americans who nonetheless gave their mite to help strangers 5,000 miles away.  Now, in the latest (Winter 2015) issue of the Journal of the Early Republic,* historian Analise Shrout offers a detailed explanation of these Indian philanthropists' motives.

Drawing on nineteenth-century newspapers, southeastern Indians' correspondence, and theoretical literature, Shrout argues that the 1847 donations reflected the Choctaws' and Cherokees' traditions of generosity. Giving gifts allowed the donors to say, with their money if not their words, “We hold to our traditions; we are still Indian.” Charity also let the world know that the southeastern Indians had recovered their economic self-sufficiency and their ability to act independently of the United States government, whose Indian policy typecast Native peoples as recipients rather than donors of aid.  Finally, as Pentek indicates in the title of his sculpture, gift-giving established a bond between distant peoples and identitied them as part of a Trans-Atlantic community of suffering.  The Cherokees and Choctaws wanted to remind Euro-Americans that they, like the Irish, were no strangers to hunger and dispossession.  In claiming this shared experience, Indians implicitly compared Britain's policy toward the Irish with the United States' policy toward Indians.  Suffering always has a cause, and when that cause is human, acknowledging and alleviating that hardship becomes a political act.

Not surprisingly, white journalists who reported on the Choctaws' and Cherokees' generosity missed their implied critique of American imperialism.  Indeed, at least one American newspaper, the American Flag, castigated Britain for its anti-Irish imperialism without acknowledging the huge imperial land grab, namely the Mexican War, that Americans were concurrently undertaking. Ironically, the American Flag operated out of the U.S.-occupied city of Matamoros, Mexico, within the new American zone of conquest. 

White Americans preferred to focus their attention on the crimes of another empire, and it remained for political outsiders, like the southeastern Indians, to remind us of the aggressions of the “empire of liberty.”

* Shrout, “A 'Voice of Benevolence from the Western Wilderness:' The Politics of Native Philanthropy in the Trans-Mississippi West,” Journal of the Early Republic 35 (Winter 2015), 553-78

skull racks?


An illustration of Skull racks or tzompantli is shown
An illustration of Skull racks or tzompantli is shown

Skull racks were used to display the heads of sacrificed human victims.
They were called tzompantli in Nahuatl - the language of the Aztecs.
Sometimes this structure was made of stone with carved human skulls. 
Those displaying real skulls comprised a wooden framework supporting skulls skewered on horizontal poles run through holes drilled through the temples. 
Tzompantlis were first described by Spanish conquistadors and missionary friars in the Sixteenth Century. 
The Aztecs used skull racks to display prowess in war; in obtaining captives to be offered up to their gods. 
They also used them to terrorize subjugated populations.
At the Great Temple of the Aztecs (their most important temple) archaeologists found a skull rack with at least 240 carved skulls. 
They had a layer of stucco and were originally painted in red.

KEEP READING if you dare

Jim Hightower | Why would anyone celebrate the 'joy' of war?

Jim Hightower | Why would anyone celebrate the 'joy' of war?

A U.S. Special Forces trainer supervises a military assault drill for a unit within the Sudan People's Liberation Army conducted in Nzara on the outskirts of Yambio


think, decondition, don't believe

“My technique is don’t believe anything. If you believe in something, you are automatically precluded from believing its opposite.”  – Terence McKenna

“It’s clearly a crisis of two things: of consciousness and conditioning. We have the technological power, the engineering skills to save our planet, to cure disease, to feed the hungry, to end war; But we lack the intellectual vision, the ability to change our minds. We must decondition ourselves from 10,000 years of bad behavior. And, it’s not easy.” – Terence McKenna

Here’s What Happens When You Color Instead of Watch TV for a Week

read HERE

How did this happen?

In 1639, this island in what is now New York State was settled by a man named Lion Gardiner. The island was made a proprietary colony, granted via a royal decree by Charles I that gave Gardiner “the right to possess the land forever.”
As far as forever goes, that remains to be seen. But the descendants of Lion Gardiner still hold the 3,300-acre island, making Gardiners Island the oldest estate in the United States and the only royal grant from the English Crown still intact in the country.

Over the last 400 years, the island has been embroiled in a series of contemporary flashpoints. In 1657, Gardiner’s first daughter Elizabeth would initiate the first witch hunt in an American colony when, at 15, her accusations of witchcraft led to the arrest and persecution of a farmhand's wife. In 1699, pirate Captain Kidd buried $30,000 worth of treasure—in rubies, diamonds, and bars of silver—on the island. He was kind enough to ask permission to do so but also threatened to murder the family if the treasure wasn’t still there when he returned. Mrs. Gardiner, the island's proprietor at the time, was later ordered to deliver the booty to the court in Boston where Kidd sat trial. It was pretty compelling evidence for piracy—Kidd was executed.

In more recent years, the island has primarily made headlines for its strict no-trespassing policy and a contentious legal battle between two possible heirs. As of now, the island is unilaterally owned by Gardiner-descendant Alexandra Creel Goelet, who intends, predictably, to keep it in the family.

Submitted by Atlas Obscura contributor The Minx.

Lake Superior

i love love love this lake

your tears

Navajo Peyote Songs (Live Recording)


I have a mini-one next to the bed and a flashlight and ink pen - works for me!

10 to Zen

Nothing else matters...

new evidence? did we have old evidence?

Easter Island is a great case of this kind of sociality in which populations seem to have mediated competition over limited resources through the community building of statues. What looks like strange behavior to us is likely central to their success. This is an area we are following up on in our ongoing research. I think we have a lot to learn from Easter Island as to what it takes to survive on an isolated and remote island with limited resources. But rather than being a "scary parable" about the effects of cultural hubris and ultimate collapse, we can learn valuable insights into strategies that lead to cooperation, resilience, and sustainability.

this really happened

Vera McGinnis, first cowgirl to ever wear pants while rodeoing. Vera McGinnis loved to rodeo. A World Champion Rodeo Trick Rider and Rodeo Relay Rider, Vera wore Blucher Boots.

Vera was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in 1979 and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum Hall of Fame in 1985. A natural athelete, Vera recalled the day she decided to quit her office job and join the rodeo:
"If I'd pulled up right then, I likely would have missed the years of hardship, heartache, fun, adventure, a smidgen of fame, and finally, a broken body. But I'm glad I didn't, for I can honestly say the glamor never faded. It dimmed once in a while when I was hurt or overworked, but after a rest I always felt that I wouldn't trade being a rodeo cowgirl for any other profession."

- Alva Johnston, "Tenor on Horseback," Saturday Evening Post, September 2, 1939

Licks and kicks aplenty. Hard work and hard knocks. Made tough. Made beautiful. These Blucher Custom boots are as charismatic as the lady that wore them. Vera's autobiography, Rodeo Road; My Life As a Pioneer Cowgirl, is an entertaining recollection of her time.

Vera McGinnis died in 1990.

Her boots are still kicking...

Boot Photography: J. Davis

Blucher Boots, Collection: J. Davis
Vintage Photographs, Collection: J. Davis

what is real

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr

The Role of Consciousness in Quantum Mechanics

What does it mean that our physical material reality isn’t really physical at all? It could mean a number of things, and concepts such as this cannot be explored if scientists remain within the boundaries of the only perceived world existing, the world we see.

As Nikola Tesla supposedly said:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Murder Bag

Murder Kit (2) 
After the Second World War, the London Metropolitan Police decided to be more scientific about forensic testing of crime scenes. They reorganized the Met Lab, brought it from Hendon to Scotland Yard, and developed a “Murder Bag” for detectives to bring to scenes to collect samples (TNA, MEPO 3/2027). Originally this was a leather bag filled with envelopes, swabs and glass bottles, which eventually developed into this suitcase with phials, tweezers, a magnifying glass, a tape recorder, tape measures and some optimistic handcuffs (TNA, MEPO 2/10906). Such was the iconic importance of the bag, that this photograph (undated but probably 1969-72) was taken as a publicity shot for the Metropolitan Police (TNA, MEPO 13/314). It offers a chance to visualize the contents, to imagine the weight and feel of the bag, and to think about how it might be used at the scene. One item I would have expected to see would be gloves to avoid cross-contamination – my next step is to find out when they began to be used as standard practice.


Me Without You

how to win the war on poverty #UBI

What if a government program could simply eliminate it? That’s the thinking behind universal basic income (UBI), a proposal to give every American enough money to stay above the poverty line—unconditionally and for life. 

OK—stay with me.  This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds.  Alaska has had a similar, if smaller, system for decades and Swiss voters will soon decide whether to introduce a much larger basic income in their country.  Proposals and pilot programs have, in fact, sprung up around the world.  And people in unlikely places are starting to take notice. 


Project PaperClip?

Project Paperclip is initiated. The US State Department, Army intelligence and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.
‘Program F’ is implemented by the US Atomic Energy Commission. This is the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system. But much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.


Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and Universities around the nation.

Einstein Was Right!

The Existence of Gravitational Waves has been Confirmed

100 years after Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves through his theory of general relativity, a team of astrophysicists has announced the detection of these distortions made in the fabric of space. "With this new discovery, we humans are embarking on a marvelous new quest: the quest to explore the warped side of the Universe—objects and phenomena that are made from warped spacetime," remarks gravitational physicist Kip Thorne.

Using the recently-upgraded Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory [LIGO], a signal was recorded on September 14, 2015, four days before the observatory was to officially begin observations. The source was tracked back to a pair of merging black holes, one 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the other 29 masses, 1.3 billion light years away. In the fraction of a second when the two masses merged, 4.6 percent of their mass -- about the mass of three suns -- was converted directly into energy, briefly outshining the energy released from all of the stars and galaxies of the observable universe by ten times. This energy release created distortions in spacetime, generating gravitational waves that spread outward into the universe.

These waves, however, are extremely weak: the LIGO detector was designed to be sensitive enough to detect vibrations smaller than 1/1,000th of a proton. The observatory currently consists of two L-shaped detectors, one in Washington State, the other in Louisiana, each with 4 km (2.5 mile) long arms that house two laser beams. Under normal, calm circumstances, the wavelengths of the two beams in each facility cancel each other out, resulting in no light being detected from the lasers by the observatory. But when a gravitational wave perturbs the array, the two wavelengths fall out of sync, and the observatory records the resulting light.

"This detection is the beginning of a new era: the field of gravitational wave astronomy is now a reality," explains Gabriela González of Louisiana State University. With more LIGO-style facilities under construction, the ability to detect gravity waves could open up the study of astronomical events that would otherwise have remained invisible. 

this really happened!

WOMEN IN HIDING: James Barry was a woman disguised as man in order to study medicine. Admitted to Edinburgh University in 1809. After graduation, was assigned to various British colonies and noted for "his" care and struggle to improve the standard of life of patients.  Died in 1865, after 46 years working as an army medical officer.  Was then when her real identity, MARGARET ANN BULKLEY, was discovered.  Among her many achievements she was the first British surgeon to perform a successful C-section.

These Women Are Saving The Amazon

this really happened!

Eartha Kitt

Eartha Mae Kitt (1927 – 2008) was an American actress, singer, and cabaret star.  She was perhaps best known for her 1953 Christmas song "Santa Baby." Orson Welles once called her the "most exciting woman in the world."

An out-of-wedlock child, Eartha Kitt was born in the cotton fields of South Carolina. Kitt's mother was a sharecropper of African-American and Cherokee descent who became pregnant after being raped by a white plantation owner.  Given away by her mother, she arrived in Harlem at age nine. At 15, she quit high school to work in a Brooklyn factory. As a teenager, Kitt lived in friends' homes and in the subways. However, by the 1950s, she had sung and danced her way out of poverty and into the spotlight: performing with the Katherine Dunham Dance Troupe on a European tour, soloing at a Paris nightclub and becoming the toast of the Continent. She also spoke out on hard issues. She took over the role of Catwoman for the third and final season of the television series Batman (1966), replacing Julie Newmar. Eartha Kitt died of colon cancer in her home in Weston, Connecticut, on Christmas Day 2008.

After expressing her negative views on the war in Vietnam at a White House luncheon, she was effectively blacklisted and didn't work in the States for fully a decade. Was virtually exiled from the United States after making anti-war statements during a White House luncheon with Lady Bird Johnson in 1968. However, she was welcomed back to the White House by Jimmy Carter who took office in January 1977.

how your brain heals itself

 I love stories like this - it's not magic. The brain heals itself.

The brain is actually a supple, malleable organ, as ready to unlearn as it is to learn, capable of transforming vicious circles into virtuous circles, of
resetting and repairing its internal communications. Far more than once
dreamed possible, the brain can—if not always cure—heal itself.

Google Cultural Institute: How To Use the Site

dream catcher

Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dream catcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, slipping through the outer holes and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day.
this one I gave as a gift

thought bomb

bora bora

found on pinterest

oil pulling

I have been doing this!

and make your hair shine! here's how HERE

Edward Snowden and Advanced Alien Contact

The most recent explanation for this mystery come from an unlikely, but compelling source. In a recent interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson, Edward Snowden suggested that we can’t pick up any of their communications, because they’re thoroughly encrypted.
“If you look at encrypted communication, if they are properly encrypted, there is no real way to tell that they are encrypted…You can’t distinguish a properly encrypted communication from random behavior.”

owls everywhere

hidden experience: owl on Christmas morning (updated)

earth energy

Psychic senses are invisible, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist...

....the relationship between Earth’s energy patterns and our psychic abilities

“That should not deter you from exploring your psychic ability. Many forms of energy affect your life whether you understand them or not. Two hundred years ago little was understood about electricity, but electric energy existed. Though scientifically unexplained, lightning struck, electric eels gave shocks, the nervous system functioned. Even today, you may not fully understand how electricity works although you use it routinely.

“Consider what happens when you turn on a light. You don’t need to understand how electrons travel back and forth in the wires. Neither do you need to be aware that for each of your thoughts and movements the electrical energy that is your brain and nervous system has processed millions of messages.

“You don’t need to know that each of those brain messages involves billions of complex exchanges of chemical energy into electrical energy. Instead, you have learned by experience how to make those forms of energy work for you in practical ways even though you may not know how they work. You just raise your hand, flip the switch, and the light goes on.

“You need to adopt the same approach to using your psychic senses. They receive the psychic energy that is emitted by all people, places, and objects. Because you are energy, you can receive and identify those extrasensory vibrations.
“Much about the human brain is still unknown, and we use the word ‘mind’ as a sort of shorthand to describe mental abilities that go beyond what we know about the physical wiring of the cortex. Brain scientists cannot yet explain exactly why or how we dream, how memory is structured, or how we form a creative thought.”

Keep Reading

good tweet

feng fu

Put An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head And Witness The Miracle  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

You have probably never thought that a daily use of ice cubes can help your body heal and recharge and make you a bit younger and energetic. It can happen if you put an ice cube at the point where your head and neck are connected. This technique is closely related to Chinese acupuncture and according to it, the point where you have to place the ice cube is called Feng Fu, which translates to “wind mansion”.
Just hold the cube for 20 minutes on the Feng Fu point. Naturally, at first you will begin to feel freezing, but after thirty or forty seconds you will feel warmth.
By doing this every day you will begin to feel euphoria. This is because the ice cube will cause for endorphin to be released in your blood. But, there are many more benefits from using this technique.

For example:
  •  Sleep improvement;
  •  Better digestion;
  •  No more frequent colds;
  •  Less joint pain, toothaches and headaches;
  •  Breathing improvement and better cardiovascular system;
  •  No more degenerative spine changes and management of neurological disorders;
  •  Help with sexually transmitted and gastrointestinal infections;
  •  No thyroid gland disorders;
  •  No hypotension, hypertension and arthritis;
  •  No asthma;
  •  Help with malnutrition or obesity;
  •  No Cellulite;
  •  Better menstruation and help with impotence, infertility, endocrine glands and frigidity;
  •  No insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, stress and management of psycho-emotional disorders;
This method helps the body to return its balance, so technically it is not a cure, but a rejuvenation method. Simply put, your body gets higher on life.
However, the method may show contraindications in cases of schizophrenia, epilepsy, pacemakers, and during pregnancy.

oh yeah...

oh yeah...