Not on my plate!

Jack's Daily Dose:

I like salmon baked, broiled, grilled and barbecued. But there’s one way I don’t like it, and that’s with the gene of an ugly monster fish spliced into it.

Yet that’s exactly what’s headed for your dinner table right now, as the FDA has approved a genetically modified Frankenfish despite more question marks than the Riddler’s costume.
The feds claim they reviewed more than two decades of research before approving this monstrosity. What they WON’T say is that most of those studies had more conflicts than a soap opera.

They were small — in some cases looking at just SIX fish! — and funded by the company that makes the horrible things. And despite those huge flaws, those studies STILL managed to uncover potentially serious risks.

One found the fish may be more likely to cause allergic reactions, while another found higher levels of a growth hormone linked to multiple forms of cancer in humans.

Does that sound like something you’d want to serve for dinner? Of course not — and those aren’t the only problems with these Frankenfish.

The new salmon will be farmed in Panama from eggs raised in Canada and sold in United States.

By the time they reach you, those fish will have more miles on them than an old tire!
It might taste like one too, when you consider the gene they used to modify it came from the ocean pout, a nasty bottom feeder that looks like a two-foot slug. When fishermen catch one, they usually say “UGH! What the heck is that ugly thing?” and throw it back.

Now, the ocean pout will be part of every AquAdvantage Atlantic salmon.

The company behind the new salmon says it might be two years or more before the fish are in U.S. stores. Even then, they claim the shipments might be small at first.

But once they do reach stores, there will be no way to tell what’s what since genetically modified foods don’t have to be labeled. Fortunately, there will still be one way to get an honest-to-goodness normal fish, and that’s to make sure you eat only wild-caught salmon.
It’s gotten harder to find these days because of some shady label-swapping — so before your next fish dinner, be sure to read this free report from the Daily Dose archives.

And there’s always that other option: Go out and catch one yourself. - 

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