Night (wyoming wolf)

Sidewalk Talk

Sidewalk Talk has apparently caught on and is now in 29 cities across the country.
Are there large numbers of Americans so bereft of friends and confidants that they have only strangers in the street to confide in? There apparently are. New studies are showing that Americans are increasingly lonely, isolated, and unhappy. Unmoored from one another and from a (fading) sense of community. More and more of our fellow citizens are going through life alone. This has devastating consequences for individual health and portends a troubled future for the American experiment.

READ: The Lonely American | Desultory Heroics

Wizard Hat?

Wizard Hats, Yemen & FBI Stupids

These golden 'Wizard' hats caught my attention earlier for reasons of hats and Sumerian Annunaki I've heard mentioned from time to time. They're both made from one piece of Gold and are over 3000 years old. This corroborates the information I've come across which is that humanity is a lot more sophisticated and ancient than the Darwinian tale of civilisation that began around 5000 years ago. I don't buy that story and so when I discovered that Yemeni women wear similar hats of straw and that the Sumerian or Queen of Sheba connection is right there on the doorstop it caught my attention. It's also worth pointing out the lunar phase symbolism on the taller hat are a logarithmic table that allow the sun and moon to be calculated in advance. Still believe that savage beast tale the Smithsonian would have you believe about humanity?

From that trail I ended up watching quite a new documentary about Al Qaeda in Yemen which brought me up to date on what is roughly going on there (nothing that the U.S. taxpayer should be blowing up) but what really caught my attention was the interview of the FBI interrogator at the end. Both the FBI and PBS interviewer can't wrap their heads around the idea that the CIA are up to their necks in 9/11 inside jobbing and that the entire interview held under sobering camera close ups is a fucking joke. Get a life boys. CIA are running rings round you peasants. Watch it. They're so close to knowing what happened but so far as they're unable to digest reality. Same applies to most people. Struggling to figure out the increasingly obvious. source

relax to these


happens to some people...

Do you know who your national poet laureate is?

In the twenty-first century, when our lives are full of distractions and sales pitches, I think poetry is a vitally rehumanizing force, something that can pull our relationship with language away from the vocabulary of the commercial marketplace and back toward the realm of genuine thought and feeling.

The Story of Iceland’s 13 Yule Lads

Gleðileg jól (that’s ‘Merry Christmas’ in Icelandic)!

push forward

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.

digital poison

Smartphones, tablets and video games are physically changing the brains of adolescents, early results from an ongoing $300 million study funded by the National Institute of Health have shown, according to a report by “60 Minutes.” READ

as I write in Mental Midgets, electronics are disturbing and hurting our brain function...

Featuring John Trudell

"We’re not Indians and we’re not Native Americans. We’re older than both concepts. We’re the people, we’re the human beings." ~ John Trudell

Ian, a moving story (2018)

Be The Light

do simple things like this... no stress

A Gong (grandpa)

阿公 A Gong (Grandpa) - Animation Short Film 2018 - GOBELINS from GOBELINS pro on Vimeo.

In my new book MMM I talk a bit about how we need to learn to grieve better. This film is perfect!

oh yeah...

oh yeah...