road trip here

Boom - you are in Massachusetts now - take an easy e-trip with me...
(pack a little bag of plain m&ms for us, please)

Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast --we'll not stay there

we'll go here!
Fall River, Massachusetts
Sleep in the death bedroom, then buy a Lizzie bobblehead!
- See more at:

Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast

Fall River, Massachusetts
Sleep in the death bedroom, then buy a Lizzie bobblehead!
- See more at:

 Bewitched Statue Salem, Massachusetts

Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast

Fall River, Massachusetts
Sleep in the death bedroom, then buy a Lizzie bobblehead!
- See more at:

The Mapparium

Field review by the editors.
Boston, Massachusetts
- See more at:
go look at the MA places to visit HERE

The Mapparium

Field review by the editors.
Boston, Massachusetts
- See more at:

The Big Wobble: Missile test, space junk or a meteor?

CLICK The Big Wobble: Missile test, space junk or a meteor? Blazing spec...: Photo

I must say it looks far to slow for a meteor.
Yesterday! A fireball which streaked across the sky in the western United States caused social media to light up back on earth.
The blazing spectacle spotted in Nevada, Utah and California, has also left space experts divided over what it was.

BOOM - this shit scares me...

make me a poem this good

Lately I’ve found myself reading a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction works, often from my own at-home bookshelves

by J. Patrick Lewis:

Please Bury Me in the Library

Please bury me in the library
In the clean, well-lighted stacks
Of Novels, History, Poetry,
Right next to the Paperbacks,
Where the Kids’ Books dance
With True Romance
And the Dictionary dozes.

Please bury me in the library
With a dozen long-stemmed proses.
Way back by a rack of Magazines,
I won’t be sad too often,
If they bury me in the library
With Bookworms in my coffin.

Are You a Book Person?
A good book is a kind
Of person with a mind
Of her own,
Who lives alone,
Standing on a shelf
By herself.
She has a spine,
A heart, a soul,
And a goal —

To capture, to amuse,
To light a fire
(You’re the fuse),
Or else, joyfully,
Just to be.
From Beginning
To end,
Need a friend?

Hey wait a fast minute

The world’s last VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) will be produced by Japanese electronics maker Funai Electric Co. sometime this month according to an anonymous spokesman for the company.

BOOM - I am heading to a store to buy one (or many) as soon as I can afford it...

Ladies & Gentlemen of A.D. 2088

Here's Kurt Vonnegut's letter:

Ladies & Gentlemen of A.D. 2088:

It has been suggested that you might welcome words of wisdom from the past, and that several of us in the twentieth century should send you some. Do you know this advice from Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet: 'This above all: to thine own self be true'? Or what about these instructions from St. John the Divine: 'Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment has come'? The best advice from my own era for you or for just about anybody anytime, I guess, is a prayer first used by alcoholics who hoped to never take a drink again: 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.'

Our century hasn't been as free with words of wisdom as some others, I think, because we were the first to get reliable information about the human situation: how many of us there were, how much food we could raise or gather, how fast we were reproducing, what made us sick, what made us die, how much damage we were doing to the air and water and topsoil on which most life forms depended, how violent and heartless nature can be, and on and on. Who could wax wise with so much bad news pouring in?

For me, the most paralyzing news was that Nature was no conservationist. It needed no help from us in taking the planet apart and putting it back together some different way, not necessarily improving it from the viewpoint of living things. It set fire to forests with lightning bolts. It paved vast tracts of arable land with lava, which could no more support life than big-city parking lots. It had in the past sent glaciers down from the North Pole to grind up major portions of Asia, Europe, and North America. Nor was there any reason to think that it wouldn't do that again someday. At this very moment it is turning African farms to deserts, and can be expected to heave up tidal waves or shower down white-hot boulders from outer space at any time. It has not only exterminated exquisitely evolved species in a twinkling, but drained oceans and drowned continents as well. If people think Nature is their friend, then they sure don't need an enemy.

Yes, and as you people a hundred years from now must know full well, and as your grandchildren will know even better: Nature is ruthless when it comes to matching the quantity of life in any given place at any given time to the quantity of nourishment available. So what have you and Nature done about overpopulation? Back here in 1988, we were seeing ourselves as a new sort of glacier, warm-blooded and clever, unstoppable, about to gobble up everything and then make love—and then double in size again.

On second thought, I am not sure I could bear to hear what you and Nature may have done about too many people for too small a food supply.

And here is a crazy idea I would like to try on you: Is it possible that we aimed rockets with hydrogen bomb warheads at each other, all set to go, in order to take our minds off the deeper problem—how cruelly Nature can be expected to treat us, Nature being Nature, in the by-and-by?

Now that we can discuss the mess we are in with some precision, I hope you have stopped choosing abysmally ignorant optimists for positions of leadership. They were useful only so long as nobody had a clue as to what was really going on—during the past seven million years or so. In my time they have been catastrophic as heads of sophisticated institutions with real work to do.

The sort of leaders we need now are not those who promise ultimate victory over Nature through perseverance in living as we do right now, but those with the courage and intelligence to present to the world what appears to be Nature's stern but reasonable surrender terms:
      1. Reduce and stabilize your population.
      2. Stop poisoning the air, the water, and the topsoil.
      3. Stop preparing for war and start dealing with your real problems.
      4. Teach your kids, and yourselves, too, while you're at it, how to inhabit a small planet without helping to kill it.
      5. Stop thinking science can fix anything if you give it a trillion dollars.
      6. Stop thinking your grandchildren will be OK no matter how wasteful or destructive you may be, since they can go to a nice new planet on a spaceship. That is really mean, and stupid.
      7. And so on. Or else.
Am I too pessimistic about life a hundred years from now? Maybe I have spent too much time with scientists and not enough time with speechwriters for politicians. For all I know, even bag ladies and bag gentlemen will have their own personal helicopters or rocket belts in A.D. 2088. Nobody will have to leave home to go to work or school, or even stop watching television. Everybody will sit around all day punching the keys of computer terminals connected to everything there is, and sip orange drink through straws like the astronauts.
Kurt Vonnegut

ECO WATCH: In 1988, my then Hyannis Port neighbor the late Kurt Vonnegut wrote a prescient letter to the Earth's planetary citizens of 2088 for Volkswagen's TIME magazine ad campaign. His seven points of advice are perhaps more relevant today than at any time in human history. We should keep this advice in mind this election year and adopt Vonnegut's recommendations while we still can.

Thursday=Thor Day

image: screenrant
Origin and Etymology of thursday

Middle English, from Old English thursdæg, from Old Norse thōrsdagr; akin to Old English thunresdæg Thursday, Old Norse Thōrr Thor, Old English thunor thunder — more at thunder

First Known Use: before 12th century [ "Thursday." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 28 July 2016.]

BOOM! You wanted to know this. I know you did.

Garlic Up

Hey Boomer

I call this GARLIC UP - and do it all the time!

As a member of the onion family, the most powerful benefits of garlic lie in the phytochemical found in it, so your preparation is of utmost importance. Since the phytochemical in garlic called alliin needs to be converted by an enzyme called alliinase into allicin, which then further breaks down into a handful of other phytonutrients, it's always better to crush the garlic cloves before cooking them. Now that the garlic is crushed and to make sure that most of the allicin is further broken down into ajoene, diallyl sulfides and vinyldithiins, give it 5 minutes to just sit before throwing it into the cooking process. Many of these compounds have incredible health benefits, including protecting your DNA from genetic aging.

But it's not just your DNA that can benefit. Ajoene from garlic, for example, is thought to be at least as potent as aspirin as an antithrombotic agent, fancy speak for something that inhibits blood clotting. Allicin is also antibacterial and antifungal and has been shown to be able to kill Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria associated with increased risk of gastric cancer. Studies have also found an association between garlic and onion consumption and reduced gastric cancer risk. There's also evidence that a high intake of both garlic and onion can reduce the risk of other cancers in other sites of the body, such as the ovaries, endometrium, oral cavity, esophagus and others.

Lin-Manuel Miranda (The Electric Company)

before HAMILTON - BOOM - Lin-Manual is famously good

what happened? damn

The Secret Sun: Dog Days: Another Look at the X-Files Reboot

The Secret Sun: Dog Days: Another Look at the X-Files Reboot: The X-Files "Event Series" has been released on DVD. The hype is over...

What are we supposed to think? Really?

I smelled trouble right away. BOOM!

Black Knight Satellite

The Black Knight satellite is claimed by some conspiracy theorists[2] to be an object approximately 13,000 years old of extraterrestrial origin orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit

Critics and mainstream academics have called it a conspiracy theory and myth that combines several unrelated stories.[3][4] A 1998 NASA photo believed by some to show the Black Knight satellite is thought by experts to be of a thermal blanket lost during an EVA mission.
The origin of the Black Knight legend is often "retrospectively dated" back to natural extraterrestrial repeating sources heard during the 1899 radio experiments of Nikola Tesla[5] and long delayed echos first heard by amateur radio operator Jorgen Hals in Oslo, Norway in 1928.[6] According to the Daily Express, "the noises from 1899 and 1928 remain a mystery, but the possible causes do not so far include an alien satellite, according to scientists."[2] WIKI

Photo by NASA - [1], Public Domain,

The Big Wobble: Arctic is leaking methane 200 times faster than usual...

The Big Wobble: Arctic is leaking methane 200 times faster than usual...

Known as 'The end of the world' by locals, the craters were caused when methane gas under the surface was dislodged by warming temperatures, causing it to expand and explode out from beneath the ground.
The release from one crater was so intense that the bang could be heard 100km (60 miles) away and it left a glow in the sky, according to one resident.


Background check company reads your private Faceboook

☀️ Blog Scouts Tips ☀️: Background check company reads your private Facebook...

I think you should be VERY CAREFUL -- BOOM

sun day

click HERE for more

Appreciation Friday: Wendy Stevens, Arm Candy

It's Friday. Today we appreciate the artists and arts - BOOM!

Arm Candy? Oh la la (it's a purse!)

Wednesday's Word

psyops [Psychological Operations or PSYOP]
I see that word popping up. Scary idea...

PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man.

"PSYOP is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives. Used during peacetime, contingencies, and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments." ---US Military

read this

Your Hair is Antenna

and read more here

It's strange how I am always looking at the Farmers Almanac for the best days to cut my hair to promote its growth and then I see mentions of cutting (or not cutting) hair - BOOM!

Deadly algae bloom at Utah Lake is the worst ever ...

The Big Wobble: Deadly algae bloom at Utah Lake is the worst ever ...: Photo
From East to West, algae bloom has reached the Pyramid Lake in California and the coastal water of Florida.

Dead serious, BOOM!

The Ramshackle Vampire: Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck

click: The Ramshackle Vampire: Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck: Them Bones

time travel? BOOM!

I want every day to be #Firgunday

Today is the third International #Firgunday, in which participants share compliments and pride for others, mostly on social media. If you’re having trouble figuring out what to say, there’s a Firgunator that will help. According to the founders, “Firgun (pronounced FEER-GOON, פרגון), is a Hebrew word that means an act of kindness performed solely to make another person feel good.” Wikipedia says the word “describes genuine, unselfish delight or pride in the accomplishment of the other,” or “a generosity of spirit, an unselfish, empathetic joy.” I want every day to be #Firgunday.

BOOM - was that nice or what?

Utah Phillips on "Making a Living, Not a Killing"

tumeric bombs




View, create, and share 3D images from the stereograph collections of The New York Public Library and Boston Public Library. You can also stereogranimate your own photos via Flickr. (I made the this!)

MRI Software BUG may Invalidate 40,000 Medical Studies

click fMRI Software Bug may Invalidate 40,000 Medical Studies:

This is NOT good news for the patients... BOOM

Museum Hack

Museum Hack - this is exactly what we love here at BOOM- this is so so BOOM GOOD

I will report back if I get a tour with them

Wednesday's Word

Boogered: In Harlem they say this - when you are gonna be dead

think with me

be the love all day ...every day... BOOM! We will all love the planet...

Good Man Monday

listen to this

Love Is The Answer (it has always been the answer)

Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer - BOOM - we have had a crush on Todd for a LONG TIME

Boom! Juno within Jupiter’s magnetosphere

it was a boom heard around our galaxy!

The Myth of Normal

Dr. Gabor Maté on the Myth of “Normal” in Psychological Disorders. He explains how mental distress and pathology exists in a continuum and are largely a result of a materialist culture that rigidly “idealize individuality and ignores emotional needs,” prioritizing objects over people and well being. 

happenin' now

(French body parts)...

I'm learning French (again) BOOM, hum along

What portal did CERN open now?

Stephen Hawking says the ‘God Particle’ that scientists believe created the world could actually end it, too.

Saturday SLOW

BOOM! OK, you may think this is a crazy idea but TODAY - you will turn off all electronics - all day today - you will go slow everywhere you go... report back on Sun-Day

Appreciation Friday: Artist Georgia O'Keefe

So if you had a cheating husband, what would you do?  Read what Georgia did HERE - BOOM

In 1929, aged 41, Georgia O’Keeffe took a trip to New Mexico. By then, with the help of her husband, Alfred Stieglitz – an influential photographer and manager of the first modern art gallery in the United States – she had long outgrown her roots as a Wisconsin dairy farmer’s daughter, and established herself as America’s pre-eminent modernist painter.

And she's from Wisconsin (like me) which makes me a giant fan... Georgia O’Keeffe is at Tate Modern, London SE1 (020 7887 8888), from July 6 until Oct 30;

David Foster Wallace’s mind-blowing creative nonfiction syllabus: “This does not mean an essayist’s goal is to ‘share’ or ‘express herself’ or whatever feel-good term you got taught in high school”

David Foster Wallace’s mind-blowing creative nonfiction syllabus: “This does not mean an essayist’s goal is to ‘share’ or ‘express herself’ or whatever feel-good term you got taught in high school”

illinois ufo january 2000 documentary

Boom, this one has my mind spinning

j'adore francais


 BOOM: I love you! J'taime. Tres Bien? Merci beaucoup.


8 Secrets to Eating like the French! SOURCE

Researchers analyzed the diets of 2,600 French adults who for seven days recorded everything they ate. The researchers then teased out several distinctly French dietary styles.

1. They are masters of portion control. The most popular diet of all, describing 23% of the population, was a “small eater” diet—one that encompassed all kinds of foods, but significantly less of them. People who ate this diet also ate fewer calories.

2. They don’t fear full fat. In fact, 89% of people in the study ate full-fat cheese, while only 8% ate the low-fat kind. Another French study this year found that cheese, rich in saturated fat as it is, isn’t harmful for health when kept to two daily servings. And new research suggests that they have the right idea: people who eat full-fat dairy tend to less obese than those who eat low-fat dairy.

3. They eat spare amounts of fried and processed food. Only 29% of people reported eating processed fried or breaded foods in those seven days. In the U.S., 50% of people ate fried foods at least once in a given week—and 8% of them did so four to six times per week.

4. They eat fish. About 70% of people reported eating unprocessed fish in the past week. Roughly 30% of Americans eat seafood once a week, but nearly half eat fish only occasionally or not at all.

5. They drink. 68% of the population reported drinking alcohol in the past week—mostly wine.

6. They generally eat healthy food. About 13% of people stuck to a Mediterranean diet, rich in fish, fruit, vegetable oils, full-fat dairy and unprocessed foods. Just as popular was what the researchers classified as a “health-conscious diet”—though theirs was dominated by neither quinoa nor green juice. A healthy diet in France means one filled with multigrain bread, soups, fruit, tea, lower-fat foods and—most surprisingly of all—cakes and pastries. “It’s really interesting, because we can see that individuals who seem to be healthful didn’t forget the pleasure dimension of eating,” says Rozenn Gazan, the main author of the study. “It’s an important aspect in France.

7. Their not-as-healthy foods are nothing like America’s. About 17% of French people had a “traditional” diet, heavy in fat, sugar and salt—but from wine, salami, cheese, bread, red meat, grains and desserts. Fast food on this list is noticeably absent.

8. They keep things simple. About 10% of the population followed what the researchers deemed a basic diet, eating mostly simple, unprocessed foods like cheese, eggs, potatoes, butter, yogurt and animal fat, as well as pasta and bread.
This report made clear that the French embrace a wide range of foods, and in reasonable quantities. “It’s clear that there is not one way of eating,” Gazan says. “But in most of the dietary patterns, the pleasure and conviviality and social dimension of diet remains really strong in France.”

French people are the best at everything, according to all the literature. READ WHY

Google Cultural Institute

After coming across this first link from the Google Cultural Institute, I thought I’d take a look at some interesting art this time. BIG BOOM!
The ultra definition in these works is incredible. Working with museums around the world, Google has used its Art Camera system to capture the finest details of artworks from their collection.

Assholes Episode 3

These are my asshole friends... BOOM!

Wednesday's word

So tacky or lame that is has a certain ironic appeal. 
Lava lamps, and trucker hats are very kitschy.

Simple Definition of kitsch

  • : things (such as movies or works of art) that are of low quality and that many people find amusing and enjoyable
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Full Definition of kitsch
  1. 1 :  something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality
  2. 2 :  a tacky or lowbrow quality or condition <teetering on the brink of kitsch — Ron Miller>




play \ˈki-chē\ adjective

think with me

Maybe I have watched too many sci-fi movies and I still think we could have utopia on the planet, instead of this mess called capitalism, oops I mean oligarchy faking it as democracy...

Don't ya feel like we've been had... as in duped?

The Catholic Church should be closed down and the trillions in cash, paintings and buildings/land, could be spread around to END POVERTY around the world.

Please think this thought with me - "close the Catholic Church down"... BOOM we all think alike...

maxi priest wild world

I just watched Catch A Fire (2006)

Based on a true story about apartheid in South Africa, Phillip Noyce's film shows what can happen when one man finds the will to fight back. And then summons the strength to forgive. Full review

star power

She's still big; it's the pictures that are getting smaller.
Kristen Stewart, who became one of the most recognizable humans in the world for playing Bella Swan, the tender, tremulous teenage vampire-lover in the massively successful Twilight franchise, has lately been showing off her talents in a string of more modest productions. In the almost four years since the fifth and final installment of the Twilight saga was released, the actress has scrupulously avoided blockbusters, instead headlining and taking supporting roles in auteurist films made on either side of the Atlantic.

Her range post-Bella was demonstrated last month at Cannes, where two disparate projects premiered within days of each other: Woody Allen's 1930s-set Café Society, in which she plays a bobby-socked movie studio secretary caught in a love triangle, and Olivier Assayas's resolutely of-this-moment Personal Shopper, a shape-shifting ghost story that features the actress in nearly every frame.

keep reading

Appreciation Friday: Warhol

We know you know who he is... 

go visit him at the museum HERE


Andy Warhol, Clark candy, and the Pittsburgh flood

My father John Warhola was Andy Warhol’s older brother. He had so many wonderful stories of what it was like growing up as one of the “Warhola” boys. He would talk about the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. One of my favorite stories was the one about the 1936 Pittsburgh flood, the D. L. Clark Company (the candy company known for Clark bars), and what is now The Andy Warhol Museum. You might be thinking, how are all of these connected? Well, let’s find out.

Andy Warhol as a young boy, at about the age of 8, ca. 1936, © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

So dad told me the tale of how a story was circulating around their Oakland neighborhood after the 1936 Pittsburgh flood. The story was that the Clark candy company was throwing out candy bars because they had been contaminated by the flood. When Paul, John, and Andy heard of this, they decided to venture down to the North Side to see if they could get any of the “free” candy. As young boys, they were not concerned about the safety of the candy. Fortunately, when they got to the Clark candy company, they realized that this was in fact just a story, with no truth.

Disappointed, they started their journey back to Oakland, on foot, of course. By this time Andy was already very tired; it had been a long walk from home (more than two miles from Oakland, through downtown, and across the bridge to the North Side). He looked to his older brothers to give him a “horsey,” allowing Andy to straddle their backs and have one of them carry him. Both Paul and John were equally tired and suggested that Andy just rest on the steps of the building they were passing. Andy did sit on the steps of that building at 117 Sandusky Street, a warehouse built in 1911 for Frick & Lindsay (supply distributors for oil wells, steel mills, and mines), and now the home of The Andy Warhol Museum.

oh yeah...

oh yeah...